Terroir Oyster Case Study Blog


Natural History of Oysters

Crassostrea gigas, or commonly known as the Pacific oyster, has had a long cultivation history throughout the world. Originating from Japan and the coast of Asia; the Pacific oyster has spread to Canada, the...


Tasting writing

We had just finished our first wine tasting at Donedei Winery when the whole class was shuffling out of the barn heading towards the sound of water when the sent of fire and ocean...


Meroir/Terroir + _____ (oysters)

Meroir is the taste of the sea in relation to location and season. The ocean goes through many processes that effect its nutritional content provided for inter and sub tidal marine life that varies...


Component 3: Field Study

3a) On your website complete the table of your group’s 3 favorite insights from oyster tastings done in class during weeks 4 (Tomales Bay, if you were in California), 6 (Taylor Shellfish), and 7...