Oyster Case Studies: Shuck Yeah! Blog


Predators and Parasites

Mammals ~Including us! Boring Sponge ~Atlantic Ocean to the Bahamas ~Will make its way through the oyster by releasing chemicals that breaks down calcium carbonate and eventually the oyster dies and the sponge has...


Native and Cultivated Geographic Ranges

Native to Japan, the Pacific Oyster now lives in 17 different countries. Versatile, The oyster can easily adapt to a variety to environments in temperate waters of the Pacific and Atlantic. In the United...


Life Cycle and Reproduction

http://science.kennesaw.edu “Oyster Life Cycle Illustration” Image by John Norton http://science-art.com Each type of oyster has a varying type of life cycle and needs to spawn and be healthy. For example, The Olympia and the...


What are the Components of Meroir?

Meroir can include a variety of different tastes. One of the most common flavors we tasted was the briny, salty flavor of the oyster. Not only do the oysters taste different from different locations,...