Terroir +______ Components

4a)  Terroir is the effect of environmental, social, ecological and cultural factors on the distinct taste of foods such as wine, chocolate, coffee, tea and oysters. The concept, originating in France has long been related to regional production of wines and cheeses but has taken on a more commodity driven turn since expanding to other countries.

4b)  Since exploring terroir and examining tea in relation to terroir the importance of location, soil, season and other factors have become clear in their distinct effects on flavor. Throughout India, certain regions like Nilgiris and Darjeeling are preferred to others due to their unique combination of soil, climate, ecology and to some extent, marketing. In our class tea tasting experience and what seems to be a consensus between avid tea drinkers the second flush of tea, harvested in June is often considered the most desirable flush, with a full bodied amber taste and higher market demand.


Original post by Chloe Landrieu Murphy; edited by Chloe Landrieu Murphy, Caroline App, Pat Weaver