Category: Olympia Timeless


IX: Struggle

It took me a while to learn that just because my experience of something doesn’t match a commonly accepted description, that doesn’t mean that my experience isn’t real. Namely: struggle. All the memes and conversations seemed to suggest that there was...

Night view of burial grounds storefront 1

VIII: Value

TW: extreme animal violence This is a story about evil. What an opener. I guess I should preface that. I am, for lack of a more descriptive term, a moral relativist. There isn’t any right or wrong in my world, and...


VII: Signs

A teacher I had in my first year of college once lectured me on the ephemeral and unreal nature of road signage. “It’s all shamanism,” he’d said. This notion excited me at the time because it expressed something I’d been unable...


VI: Canines

I had a dream about my dog last night. Dreams about my dog always bum me out because he’s 2,200 miles away and living (permanently and against my will) with my high-school ex-boyfriend, with whom I was living when Attila became...


II: Crazy

  April 6th, at 6pm. Shade is supplicated by buildings; the air is a slowly cooling 73 degrees Fahrenheit. The breeze smells like blueberry muffins; the light is even, hazy, diffused, neutral. Earth flags adorn this block and an older man...