Category: Best of


The Future?

What would be of the 5th ave. bridge with a 1 meter and 4 meter sea level rise. Take into account the tides, the image produced on google earth appeared to show a pretty...


The Geese

For a while, the geese gave me a reason to come back. I had spotted a nesting goose along the train tracks and thought it my duty to visit her everyday. And so I...


All the Animals I have Annoyed

Location: Along the tracks, under the bridge Friday: April 29   Saturday: April 30   Thoughts: When I was a child I used to get excited when I saw a deer: on the side...



One of my favorite areas in Downtown Olympia is this giant land of concrete across from the Bayview grocery store. It used to house two abandoned buildings, one being the old Health Department. I...



Evidence of Breeding Season: Monday, April 11th. I sat by the lake staring at a pair of ducks for twenty or so minutes. I saw the female floating in the water alone, followed by...