5th Ave. The Dam

Note: when I refer to the dam, it’s probably the area around the dam.

Before this study, I never noticed the dam, I knew it was there, I may have walked passed it, but I did not care to look over the edge. I know people would watch the salmon at this location, I never did.

I did not choose this location because I wanted the dam to become my place; I chose it because it isn’t downtown; it’s at the edge of the future water line; I can escape the people, and, theoretically, the water.

If I could be any animal, it would be a bird, because they can escape.

Throughout this field study experience I gained appreciation for this place, as well as distaste. But even so there was always excitement and an urge to explore further. I did feel unwelcome, questioned, at moments. But my curiosity is my own, that kept me searching. What I mean by this is… there is a grey area between abandoned and occupied, and occupied in a claimed sort of way. Claimed in that I shouldn’t disturb.

I found the “no trespassing signs” around the train tracks to be empty threats, seemingly, everyone was ignoring them.To juxtapose this area with the capital lake: at the lake you walk your dog on a leash, here – “hey, we’re already ignoring one sign, why not ignore another.” – freedom

A place abandoned is a place to vandalize, a place abandoned is a place to claim (only sometimes). But also, a place abandoned, is a place not worth saving.

The dam is surrounded by the abandoned, an empty lot to the east, and the tracks under the bridge. According to the sea level rise maps I created in lab, whether it be a 1 meter rise, or a 4 meter rise, this place is a goner.

Place…? I don’t know if my definition of place has changed or if I’m just not feeling it. I started this quarter off with anxiety, but excitement. At this moment in time, I feel as if I have explored this place, my feelings are numb.

I know it’s here now, but do I care?

I do, I enjoy it here, but I’m not attached.

If I could be any animal it would be a bird, not because they can escape, but because they fly… they don’t get attached… they journey.