Mar 01

With Changing Key, by Paul Celan (1920-1970)

With changing key

you open the house in which

the snow of the unsaid is drifting.

And with the blood that may run

from your eye, or your mouth, or your ear,

your key will be changing.


Changing the key is changing the word

that may drift with the snowflakes.

And in the wind that rejects you,

Round the word gathers the snow.


(Trans. by Ingo Seidler)


1 comment so far

  1. Linda Maxwell
    9:06 am - 7-25-2013

    I wrote a very similar poem in 1972. It is so like my work I am stunned that it is placed here as Paul Celan’s work. I am not seeking credit just wondering how two people could write the same words?

Words That Burn