Mar 02

The Protest (Cavalieri)

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The Protest, by Grace Cavalieri (1932-)

I was supposed to make a five minute speech

so I took a tranquilizer

but the speech was cancelled.


I was to give another speech but

this too was cancelled.


As you can imagine, I stayed

tranquilized my whole life without speaking,


When the fire and blood came up

in thin spouts

through the kitchen floor

I called the manager

but it is never his fault

if we are speechless and in exile,


He said the problem in the floor

comes from being too emotional,


I had another chance to speak once

but the mashed potatoes lay thick

on my tongue and my indignation

sounded less than noble,


All the audience learned that night

is how anger sounds

through mashed potatoes,


“The physical is spiritual”

I said hotly, but

other people’s impressions

had already brushed off on me,


By the time the audience left

I was a widow in a nightgown

and I had not told what

I’d come here to say.

Words That Burn