Author Archives: admin

Computer Center and Linux

It’s taking over like the small, warm, cuddly (but cost effective and powerful) creature that represents it. Linux is not just for nerds and screen-monkeys. It’s a stable and easy to use operating system for the masses and best of all it’s free. It is also now installed on all of the PC’s in the computer center in one form or another.  Although these machines have linux installed, the configuration of these systems (specifically user logins) is evolving so that they will not yet boot into Linux.  We are working on this integration so that in the future any user can boot into Windows or Linux.  In the meantime, the kiosks at the front of the center are running Ubuntu as are the stations in the ACC.

If you are using a computer in the center that is running Windows, chances are good that it’s also running Linux. Wanna give it a try? Ask a computer consultant at the front desk and they can help you get started!

How good is your phishing knowledge?

Many people can be (and obviously are) lured into phishing schemes by clever scam artists. Do you think you can detect the difference between a legitimate source and a phishing scam?

Carnegie Mellon University had built an interactive game where users learn how to identify phishing URLs, where to look for cues in web browsers, and how to use search engines to find legitimate sites. Try it out! Play Anti-Phishing Phil and see how you do!