IDP Project Proposal

This is the project proposal for a short multimedia piece for the course Introduciton to Digital Production.

Modern digital society brings instant access to volumes of information. However, much of this information is noise to be waded through. Our digital tools give us the promise of ease of access, automatic filtering, subscription and organization. The reality of negotiating this information, however, is often one of cranky hardware, imperfect software and not enough time in the day to absorb all of the valuable information we believe lies at the edge of our fingertips.

This work will imagine an information hub or conduit through which massive amounts of data/information pass. This is the fembot headquarters. By focusing exclusively on female robots (fembots) and cyborgs I will explore a uniquely female approach to technology. Thoughout the piece we will see a retrospective of fembots and cyborgs from film and TV.

Primary Audience: SciFi/Technology literate

Intended Style: SciFi technology-mystery w/ a future-retro Tesla-esque quality.

Resources: mostly capture images of from the internet and library image databases. Some stills from commercial Films and TV will appear on small monitors.

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