Author Archives: Amy G.

Notes from NMC podcast conference

This April the New Media Consortium (NMC) held an online conference on personal broadcasting (aka podcasting/vodcasting). As the technologies and practices around the publishing of personal syndicated media are still in their infancy (see wikipedia history of podcasting) I’ve written up some notes highlighting key issues and themes that emerged throughout the conference. Also see the conference program notes.

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IDP Project Proposal

This is the project proposal for a short multimedia piece for the course Introduciton to Digital Production.

Modern digital society brings instant access to volumes of information. However, much of this information is noise to be waded through. Our digital tools give us the promise of ease of access, automatic filtering, subscription and organization. The reality of negotiating this information, however, is often one of cranky hardware, imperfect software and not enough time in the day to absorb all of the valuable information we believe lies at the edge of our fingertips.

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Monster Mac Morning

iMovie workshop 10am
25 eager students
1 lcd projector that only displayed at 800 x 600
1 iMac that that could only run iMovie at 1024 x 768
No iMovie workshop?
run run run lift haul think
new computer