Ellie's A-Pop Blog

Asian/American Pop Culture Blog

Other Asian books?

I was watching some book hauls on Youtube and there was a book titled, Crazy Rich Asians. All about a young rich Chinese man from a rich Chinese family who brings his fiance to meet the family. The fiance is… Continue Reading →

Essay Process

Last Wednesday’s writing workshop was very much helpful in me rearranging my essay. I believe I have this same feeling with every Wednesday workshop. I always enjoy them. I think a common activity every year is that I am provided… Continue Reading →

Minimalist Knitter

I was scrolling through my Facebook feed one morning. That’s what I do once I wake up, I grab my phone which I never shut off and consume posts and YouTube videos until I absolutely needed to get out of… Continue Reading →

Passing on the Knowledge

I once brought beginner’s knitting needles to my sister’s house. I also brought random yarn for them to practice knitting on. I never knew the amount of patience I needed to have in order to teach them one stitch. It… Continue Reading →

The Merry Essay

Guess what I am doing for Thanksgiving? Eating pie, some casseroles, and also typing up a nice new draft of my essay. I do this every year. I sit in the guest room (which used to my bedroom)and then I… Continue Reading →

Wild Meat and the Bully Burgers

Our seminar book of this week was, “Wild Meat and the Bully Burgers.” Within the story, Lovey has struggled to make original clothes without being mocked by the popular kids at school. Sewing regular fabric seemed not to be her… Continue Reading →


I want to talk about the difficulty people have with saying my name. This story has popped up in my head while reading the last two seminar books. I didn’t bring it up during seminar because it isn’t on the… Continue Reading →

My Artist Status

I had a wonderful breakthrough this week of a new perspective my essay can pursue. It is wonderful that this new topic has come to mind because the second draft is due next week on Tuesday and I don’t want… Continue Reading →

Emotion Weary

The books we are reading for class are wonderful in the sense that they evoke empathy to the characters. This emergence of emotion makes an impression on the reading and helps the reader understand the struggles of the character that… Continue Reading →

Amigurumi- teeny tiny yarn dolls

Knitting may be an old craft, but Amigurumi is a new type of yarn creation developed in Japan. Internet encouraged the dolls in popular culture by sharing images of these adorable creatures. They are usually purchased for aesthetic purposes and… Continue Reading →

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