Rock: Week 7

Since we’re being told to put our research down, I guess I’ll just talk a bit about my essay progress.

First of all, aAAAあああああアアアアアアア (TN: -screaming in bilingual-)

Second, I’m a hypocrite if I point out American representation centering on trauma and not much good representation if I’m not going to include it as well/as much as I show suffering.

  • Doing stereotypical things but for non-stereotypical reasons.(Because I want to, not because I have to.)
  • Happiness from general American things, not specifically targeted at Asian and Pacific Islander descent influence. But also include that because it’s a part of me as well.
  • Good humor performance not just as self-defense but for pure entertainment. (jokes about how danish cookie jars are sewing kits sort of level)
  • Integration vs Assimilation of American culture

Third, I want more complete narratives. Not just me disassociation in a movie theater. But what did it smell like? Where did my existence feel? Was I sweating? Was it hot or cold? Was it like time froze or sped up? Etc.

Fourth, include more general sources. Anatomy of Disgust by William Miller, for example, explains why we find certain things disturbing or gross. Also articles about representation would be nifty.

Fifth, it’s so depressing. I don’t want that. But I’m depressed. I want to make it somber yet happy. Not depressed and then less depressed.

I will be hitting up the writing center soon though. I wrote a pretty good re-write since the Wednesday peer reviews were very helpful.