Scissors: Week 7

  • Every time I do a marginalized group based research, I always look for negative research. I look for bad representation, perpetuation of stereotypes, origins of discrimination, etc. Maybe I’m just some gross masochistic fetishizer who copes only by being comfortable in oppression. Or maybe media has only shown me trauma and I feel like being traumatized is the only way to feel like I’m allowed to be myself. Maybe that’s all to my life. You suffer and then die. So yeah, go millennials for wanting to have a great time since we’re not gonna live very long apparently with our beautiful, martyr deaths I guess. (Aka let me be soft and my happy ending is me still being soft and everyone just stops trying to kill me thanks)
  • I seriously love IKEA furniture. That’s my dad home. Like fuck my majors, I’ll work for IKEA. I want to major in IKEA building. I like making homes both figuratively and literally. I want the home I build, solely out of pikes and plasterboard and no insulation, to house the laptop where I write my trashy fanfic that is both sappy and a jab at America’s weird sexualization of people’s existences.
  • @Chico I want every weeb fanfic writer to read an excerpt from their worst piece, obviously including me. No limits. Own up, y’all.
  • Also @Chico, one episode of Naruto. Please. I beg you.