This project focuses on Ergonomics and Human Factors Psychology and how they relate to domestic space and design. The idea of this project relates directly to the design of household objects and making them more efficient, yet maintaining aesthetic quality. The aim of this project is to learn the basics of design and how to specifically design based on ergonomics. Writing and research skills will be developed in the process of this study. The first five weeks of project will be devoted to research and writing on ergonomics and design. The second five weeks will be spent on the actual design of different household items as an application of the research. The end result will be a completely ergonomic small scale model room with each item being designed ergonomically including the room itself.

The End Result

At the end of the project a 10 page research paper on Ergonomics and Design will be completed along with five completely designed ergonomic items making an ergonomic room. The paper will be evaluated on typical writing conventions and flow of information. The objects will be evaluated based on function and aesthetics and how well what has been learned about ergonomics has been applied.
The books that will inform this study are

  • The Measure of Man and Woman: Human Factors in Design by: Alvin R. Tilley    Publishing Date: December 31, 2001

This book provides a basic understanding on Ergonomics and Human Factors

  • The Design of Everyday Things by: Donald A. Norman Publishing Date: September 17, 2002

This book teaches about design and how it affects everyday objects.

  • 100 Things Every Designer Needs to Know About People by: Susan Weinschenk Publishing Date: April 24, 2011

This book will connect the two ideas of human factors and design. It will teach about designing things based on human interactions.

The PDF Designing Technology for Domestic Spaces: A Kitchen Manifesto will be offered for group seminar purposes




Ergonomic Design