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Casey- May 10th

Today was a particularly challenging day. It was 27km uphill to the small village of Bruma, and the climb felt relentless at times. Jess and I feel the onset of a cold coming on, with a sore throat and extra fatigue, making today a bit harder. The weather was also a bit gloomy- the clouds hung low and it started to rain.

However, when I put on some music to cheer myself up, this song came on just when I needed it. It’s sung by The Cat in the Hat from Seussical the Musical:

“When the news is all bad,
When you’re sour and blue,
When you start to get mad
You should do what I do-

Tell yourself
How lucky you are…

When your life’s going wrong
When the fates are unkind
When you’re limping along
And get kicked from behind
Tell yourself how lucky you are…

So be happy you’re here.
Think of life as a thrill
And if worse comes to worse
(As we all know it will)
Thank your lucky star
You’ve gotten this far…

And tell yourself how lucky you are!”

It was a wonderful message to hear in that moment. It helped me look at my surroundings in a whole new light- the trees seemed greener, the sound of rain more peaceful…I was reminded of how thankful I should be to be here now. What a gift this is, to have nothing to do but to walk, and think, and breathe.

And, before I knew it, right when my feet were demanding a rest, we stumbled across our albergue.

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