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Casey- Picnic and Womb exhibit?

Thoughts have been percolating in my mind, processing the recent tragic events that have occurred in Brussels. I’ll share my thoughts in depth tomorrow, but for now I will include a quick check-in regarding the day’s events here in London.

Fun moments include:

Picnic in the grass accompanied by unexpected guests including pigeons, small insects, and acrobatic hyper school children

Picnic in the grass

Picnic in the grass

Spent the day at the Natural History Museum.

In the Womb Exhibit-Natural History Museum

In the Womb Exhibit-Natural History Museum

I was particularly fascinated with the human biology section, including the in the womb exhibit. A giant fetus hung in a dark, heated corridor surrounded by a warm glow, with the sound of a heartbeat coming from the speakers on the walls. It was surreal. I relished in the glory of gestation.




Made our way back to the hostel and struck up a conversation with fellow bunk mates- Tanya, a lovely girl from France, and Jake from Australia. Wonderful, kind, friendly people. We were shortly joined by Oscar, also from Australia, who was just as delightful. He has been traveling continuously for about two years! He shared some very helpful tips and wisdom.

Natural History Museum

Natural History Museum

Finding it hard to sleep tonight because my mind is racing- but I should log off for now.


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