Mountain baseball

I do not like walking sticks but I love sticks. I like sticks for wacking rocks. I would find a nice curved stick that would barely touch the ground and hit rocks like golf balls while I walked. A stick with easy bark to rip off was a great way to pass time. Once all the bark except the handle was off it would look like a sword. As I listened to lord of the rings, I would twirl it for hours pretending to be one of the fellowship. Sometimes a big stick would resemble Gandalfs staff and a little stick would be one of the hobbits knives. I did not like to use a stick to walk with because it would make me walk unevenly and eventually cause a limp. I think that using my stick caused my limp to get worse and worse. I would go through maybe two sticks a day once I stopped walking with them and only wacking. Picking up rocks in the hospital route on the primitivo and hitting them over the steep mountain sides was a fantastic experience. I was tired and thinking about something that made me anxious. It was a great way to release some of the pent up energy.

Giving shoes away

I am limping a lot. I have been limping since the second day. I did not expect to be limping this much even after I rested for three days. It is quite surprising and makes me pretty sad. There is lots of scary things happening to the people in this class. The man who threatened the girls now has been kicked out of Spain and the girls got a restraining order. Another girl was threatened a couple days after the ones got their restraining order. My friends boots were stolen so I gave him my shoes and so I am walking in just sandals. They hurt my feet less than my regular shoes so I am okay with that. I am excited for Burgos maybe those three days and the switching of shoes shall heal me.