© 2016 stiamb04

Amber – Wednesday


Rainbow around the sun. Paul and I were convinced the world was ending until Brian told us that this was actually a thing. Definitely among the coolest things I’ve seen on this trip.

Walked a short 8k into Ponferrada and took a much needed rest day in the city. This city is surrounded by some of the most beautiful mountains I have ever seen. I am so in awe of this place.

Kind of getting to that point where I’m ready to be done walking, which is a little worrisome considering we still have a pretty decent amount of time left. I’m hoping that after an easy day and good night’s sleep I’ll get back into the groove tomorrow. Until then, Paul and I are going to eat our weight in strawberries and chocolate ice cream. Cheers!

One Comment

  1. Jill Stinson
    Posted April 27, 2016 at 12:33 PM | #

    Absolutely majestic! Enjoy your well-balanced feast! Miss you like crazy my dear!

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