CCAM Request Form

The CCAM is a complex facility in high demand that requires pre-planning and collaboration with staff to produce successful productions. This form is a starting point for communicating your needs to Electronic Media staff who will help you along with this process. Requests are always negotiable based on your needs and available resources and schedules.

–Please note that CCAM Staff will always provide engineering and lighting grid operators for every production due to safety and specialized training considerations. In the event that you are not able to provide other necessary crew members with previous CCAM certified training we will work with you to have Electronic Media staff provide support when available.

:::::::::::Submitting and Updating Requests:::::::::::

Requests should be submitted before 3pm a week prior to your requested usage date – the sooner the better. This process is not completed until CCAM staff confirms your request, usually within one working day. Cancellations must be made as soon possible by contacting the CCAM staff via email, and must be done no later than noon the day prior.

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