Vegan Banana Bread

 This week i didn’t do anything too different when photographing my bread. I arranged my bread in the kitchen the way I wanted it to be seen, I put a white board behind it to add some contrast and I used a basic desk lamp to light the front along with natural lighting. I did basic editing this week. All I did was adjust the levels, bump up the contrast and brightness a little and in this particular photo I converted it into a grayscale image.

One thought on “Vegan Banana Bread

  1. Your photo has a great historical “edge.” Using gray scale and having the Mott’s apple sauce visible lent that edge. Mott’is is an old company — Wikipedia claims “The company was founded in 1842 by Samuel R. Mott in Bouckville, New York, who made apple cider and vinegar.” I’d like to think that your reading of Kitchen Culture influenced the historical tone of the photo. You have a nicely balanced depth of field in the image.

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