I am beginning this quarter with a backup of work hours as I spent quite a bit of time over break working on the planning and content of my project. While in Washington D.C., I spent time in a food exhibit, I traveled to Colonial Williamsburg to research colonial foodways, and visited Thomas Jefferson’s Monticello to explore the racial, gender, and social implications of food on an 18th century plantation. I will discuss all of these in more detail as I work on weekly projects relating to each experience throughout the quarter.

I cooked an Italian meal for my friend Roquin, using no recipes but instead following the method of vibrational cooking. It turned out pretty well! I made tomato sauce with grass-fed beef, basil, other spices, and parmesan cheese. I haven’t shared a photo as for some reason none of mine turned out well.

Also, I read Vandana Shiva’s Who Really Feeds the World? which was incredibly informative and even paradigm shifting. I have spent the last few months working hard to reframe my relationship with and connection to my food and diet, and reading Shiva’s book gave further depth to all I’ve learned and experienced. More and more, I realize that conscious eating and supporting small farmers are the paths to healthier living. I just can’t wait until we get into Michael Pollan!

Below, I have included some photos from my trip. Enjoy!