Daily Notes

3 Aug 2015


Solar World is a company that gets most of it’s materials in the U.S. and scores 4th in the world on the Solar Scorecard.  The bulk price for 250W panels is around $54,000 for 167 pallets.  Each pallet holds 30 pallets.

This could bring down our cost a tremendous amount.  The shipping cost is estimated by taking the weight/pallet and using the shipping chart:


46.7 lbs/pallet  x 167 pallets ~ 8000 lbs


Using the shipping cost sheet, when you order 9 panels, the shipping cost is 2480.  This breaks down to about $275 a pallet.


167 pallets x $275 ~ $46,000


This brings our total to about $100,000 for the delivered panels.


6 Aug 2015


Meeting with Scott Morgan


To become carbon neutral by 2020, we need to compensate for:

  • 5000 tons from Natural Gas consumption
  • 3500 tons from electric heat and hot water
  • 1000 tons from business travel, waste management and the organic farm
  • 5000 tons from electric needs, currently paid for by REC’s


Conference Call with Ian Siadak


SCC used grants to put sub-meters and energy efficiency monitoring software in their buildings.  This qualified the buildings as energy efficient.


The Department of Commerce grant is issued as a 3:1 ratio, they provide 25% of the funds if approved.  DoC wants a medium term payback, 15 – 30 years is ideal.
Overhead was about 30% of the project cost for their installation.  Installed a 9 kW system for student learning and created coursework around solar power production.