Bezango, WA – a film honoring Northwest Cartoonists

Editor’s note: We caught wind that Ron Austin ’91 was making a documentary about Northwest artists, “Bezango, WA.” Recently we got hold of him and gathered a few of his reflections on cartoons and Evergreen.

Dante Garcia (DG): How did cartooning become such a big part of your life?
Ron Austin (RA): My parents never bought a television. I grew up in Seattle during the 1970s and 80s listening to The CBS Radio Mystery Theater, hosted by E.G. Marshall, and reading comics. That was my main source of entertainment. Archie comics and super hero comics were a huge influence, and so were the daily strips in the Seattle P.I. and The Times.  I also read MAD Magazine and National Lampoon a lot. The artists behind those cartoons were like rock stars to me. I just assumed this is how everyone felt about comic artists.

DG: What role did Evergreen play in cartooning for you personally and culturally?
RA: Like many people who grew up in the 1980s, and lived in the Northwest, I read The Rocket (a weekly newspaper about music). As far as I remember Matt Groening and Lynda Barry appeared in every issue. So when I chose to go to Evergreen, because of their film studies program, I was also super excited to find out that Matt Groening and Lynda Barry were alumni. At that time in 1986 Matt Groening was just starting to become nationally known. The Simpsons were on the horizon.

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    Greener works on The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey

    Bellingham native Andrew Park, shown enjoying an outing in New Zealand’s Riwaka Valley, did animation work for the much-anticipated movie “The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey.” Photo from the Bellingham Herald.

    The Bellingham Herald recently highlighted Andrew Park ’03 as a local artist working on the animation for the new movie, “The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey.”

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      Alumna Survives Hurricane Sandy and Dances in the Streets

      Editor’s Note: Cara Maldonado ’09 posts from NYC in the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy:

      Greetings from NY! Luckily I made it through the hurricane. “Sandy” hit about a day and a half after my dance company [Creative Outlet Dance Theatre of Brooklyn] got back from Mexico. It was a bit disorienting to go from eighty degree weather to such a big storm. Some of my friends are still without power. For a time, some were essentially couch surfing in order to get a hot shower, food and heat (which we just got back a week ago). Always the adventure here!

      Happy Solstice!

      Readers: Enjoy a bit of Cara’s work as she and fellow dancers honor the re-election of our President:  Cara is stage left/your right in the capri tights as the video begins. Later she is in black/grey tights.

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        Beth Howard ’83 Brings Pie to Newtown, CT

        Beth Howard at the Gothic House

        Beth Howard ’83 lives in the historic American Gothic house, where she runs her Pitchfork Pie Stand. This week she’s taking her pies to the grieving community of Newton, CT.

        Evergreen’s very own Pie Lady, Beth Howard ’83 attracted national media attention for her heartfelt response to the school disaster in Newton, CT.

        It all started with a facebook post on Friday, December 14: “Overwhelmed and heartbroken by today’s tragedy, I feel like packing up my pie supplies into my RV and driving to Connecticut. If making pie and sharing it with the citizens of Newtown would help ease their pain I would load up a hundred cases of apples and start driving right now.”

        Her facebook fans immediately encouraged Beth to make it happen.  Within hours of posting a “donate” button on her homepage, she had the funds and the volunteers to drive to Newtown and give away hundreds of pies to the grieving community.

        She’s in Newtown for the week and you can keep up with her progress on facebook or read more about Beth’s in Spring 2011’s food issue of the Evergreen Magazine, or refer to Tuesday’s article about Beth in The Atlantic.

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          The passing of Bonnie Evans

          Bonita Evans, Retired Evergreen Staff

          Retired staff member Bonita Evans passed last month.  She worked in Academics at Evergreen for 14 years until her retirement in 2000.  Bonita initially served as a program secretary before working for 10 years to support both the Master of Public Administration and Master of Environmental Studies programs.  Bonnie is described by a colleague as, “a clear light of honesty, hopefulness and mirth [who] always had a smile and a good word…” Additional information can be found at her online Obituary.


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            Audrey Holien ’09 named Executive Director of new free health clinic in Centralia

            Alice Holien ’09, a current Masters of Public Administration student at Evergreen, has just been named as the first Executive Director of a new free health clinic, The Health and Hope Medical Outreach Clinic in Centralia, WA.  The faith-based organization will emphasize service to the uninsured, unemployed and undocumented residents of Lewis County.

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              In the Library Lobby – A display of student Illuminated Manuscripts

              Alumni in the area should visit the Evergreen Library lobby before January 11, 2013 to see this display of students’ illuminated manuscripts from the program Religion, Society and Change.

              Rebecca Chamberlain (right), students and selected images from her program Religion, Society and Change.  In February, Rebecca will facilitate an Evergreen Traveling Seminar on storytelling for Greeners and friends in Los Angeles.

              Illuminated manuscripts: the tactile relationship between word and image; the ways in which manuscripts mirror the self. We explore manuscripts through the lenses of interpretation, religion, art history; we draw upon manuscript traditions — Jewish, Muslim, and Christian, the ancient, medieval, modern. Continue reading

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