Faculty Member Emeritus Burton Guttman, teaching class of 1972 as he appeared in the first staff directory.
Burton Guttman is a man of vision and courage. In 1972, he took a leap of faith, signing on as one of the Evergreen’s first-year faculty members. The job of these pioneers? Build a new college within 1,000 acres of forest, and a curriculum based on some crazy, new ideas about teaching and learning.
Forty years later, Burt is still at it. This fall he’s busy teaching a beginning birding class offered through the Black Hills Audubon Society. The five-week program began on October 22 and will be topped off with two half-day field trips. Read more about this class in the Bellingham Herald..
An internationally respected biologist and researcher, Burt is an author many times over. He is perhaps is best known in the non-scientific world for his Peterson Field Guide, “Finding Your Wings: A Workbook for Beginning Bird Watchers.”
Former students of Burton Guttman, be proud. Your teacher is still sharing his knowledge and passion, and making the world a better place. Theory to practice, practice, practice.