Glenn “Tuck” Wilson ’04 (MPA, Project Administrator for the Squaxin Island Tribe.

Bridget Ray ’06, Grant Writer and Planner for the Squaxin Island Tribe.
Evergreen staff member Kana Shephard ’05 (MPA) came back to the office just now after putting up Return to Evergreen posters in the the Squaxin Island area just north of campus. He returned with the happy story of running into several of his former Evergreen students pals, now working for the Squaxin Island Tribe, all of them excited and planning to attend the alumni gathering on campus this Saturday.
Not only that, Squaxin Island Tribal Project Administrator “Tuck” Wilson ’04 (MPA) took a batch of posters, vowing to get them up in the community.
The Evergreen Community is a wonderful place.