The Geoduck Student Union

Student Government at The Evergreen State College

Category: Meeting Minutes (page 6 of 17)

Minutes from 03/01/17.

Representatives: Charles Adkins, Dylan Macardican, Asher Matthews, Adam Bartell, Brandon Ellington, Devin Moncada, Mia Harvey, Francisco Daza, John Gundayao, Kun Yin Chung, Aidan Ripley, Naia Danko, Micah Nordgren, Waylon Robert, Jacques LeBlanc, Jasmine Wong, Mike Espy, Robert Tacker.

Executive Director: Camille Closson

Advisor: Tom Mercado
Meeting starts at 1:20.


Motion to move Budget to after Student Trustee


Motion to approve Agenda



Motion to approve the past two weeks’ minutes



Public Comments

Tom told the team 16% of students have already voted


Check ins:

Dylan updated us on his tabling.  Got three suggestions today: one to remove the smoking shelter from the child care center parking lot, one asking for more compost bins, and one telling us to “F*ckin’ Do It”.

Mia told us that the lobby day went well.  6 students went, met with many different officials.  Also told us she got the money she had asked for from the S&A Board for the Power of One Conference, also  managed to fundraise from other places on campus. Still needs to fundraise.

Waylon and Xavier Womeldorff will be meeting with potential investors.

John is meeting with Dr Kelly Brown from the Wellness Center concerning Mental Health and Wellness.  Also saw online that a swastika had been put on a student’s door in the dorms.  Will follow up with them.  Told us the student in question was talking to Police Services.

Rebecca talked to us about the fact that her (and Aidan) have to leave at 2 in order to go to a sustainability committee meeting in Purce Hall.  Also gave us a legislative update.

Camille asked the team about what they would like to talk to Wendy Endress about.  Erik from WashPIRG and her also talked about the NSLVE and the All In Challenge to see if any of the reps would like to help setting both of those things up on campus.


Motion to strike Student Forum from the Agenda and talk about our Election Policy instead



Back to check ins:

Brandon showed us the draft of the budget for next year and also mentioned how one of the articles of our Constitution requires us to have a Historian.  Would like to nominate Devin.

Motion to have Devin be our historian.


LaTonya from Tacoma talked to us about being the new election commissioner on the Tacoma campus.


Election Policy:

Should there be other polling stations than ours or not?  Should people at polling stations be able to campaign at the same table or not?

Motion to edit section 1.3 of our election policy to say “with the exception of initiative campaigning”.



Student Trustee Process:

April 14th for applications for Student Trustee.  Have to present 3 students’ names to the Governor by April 14th.  Applications to GSU due April 4th.

Motion to ask for a resume, two recommendation letters, and a cover letter for the application


Motion to add the 2 questions to the application process.

Meeting adjourned at 2:50.

GSU Agenda for 03/01/17.

1:15 – Start meeting

1:20 – Approve Agenda and Minutes

1:25 – Public Comments

1:35 – Check-ins

1:50 – Student Forum

2:05 – Banners and PSA

2:25 – Budget

2:50 – Student Trustee process

3:00 – Adjourn meeting

Minutes from 02/21 in Tacoma.

Meeting started at 4:10.


Representatives present: Micah Nordgren, Robert Tacker, Jasmine Wong, John Gundayao, Adam Bartell, Charles Adkins, Dylan Macardican, Asher Matthews, Naia Danko, Devin Moncada, Brandon Ellington.

Executive Director: Camille Closson.

Advisor: Tom Mercado.


Add information about the elections to the Agenda.

No quorum, unable to vote.


No public comments.


Check ins:

Mac tabling at 12 to 1 in front of CAB on Wednesdays.

Asher meeting with George Bridges.

WSA past Saturday, voted on not backing up a bill (5820) that would make higher GPAs and students in STEM programs get more money from the State Need Grant.

Charles and Colin talked about the lobby day on the 22nd of February from 1 to 5.  Bus leaving campus at 12:30.  Talked about turning in his written testimony for bill 5820.

Robert went to the higher education conference in Spokane last week – Evergreen had the biggest delegation out of all the other institutions.


Project check ins

Mac: Works on the GSU Fee.

Devin: Works on student support from administration for documented and undocumented immigrant students.

Charles: Works with the legislative committee.

Adam:  No project.

John: Works on creating a committee for mental health support.

Jasmine: No project.

Micah: No project.

Robert: Works on keeping the Tacoma campus updated on GSU business and works on

Naia: Works on a water bottle filling station and other possible projects.

Brandon: Works on budget, bylaws, and the constitution.

Asher: Works with Waylon on the unpaid internships endorsements, works on gender inclusive bathrooms in Lab building, works with TQC on small scale events.



Radio PSA text good.

Adam as voice.

Will vote on banners next week.
Meeting adjourned at 4:50.

Minutes from 02/15.

Representatives present: Robert Tacker, Charles Adkins, Dylan Macardican, Asher Matthews, Brandon Ellington, Jasmine Wong, Francisco Daza, Rebecca Canright, John Gundayao, Adam Bartell, Mike Espy, Jacques LeBlanc, Jenny Whitfield, Chin Kun Yun, Mia Harvey, Aidan Ripley, Waylon Robert.

Executive Director: Camille Closson.

Advisor: Tom Mercado.


Meeting started at 1:20.


Motion to add attendance to the Agenda after the attorney general discussion.



Motion to approve the Agenda.



Motion to approve the 02/08 Minutes.



Public Comments:

Tom let us know about the operational budget bonanza by the S&A Board.

Erik from WashPIRG let us know about their schedule: Bees campaign meeting Tuesday 5:00 in Sem 2 A 2107, Core meetings Wednesday 5PM in D3105, Democracy meetings Thursday 4PM in E3109 (Holding a showing of Freedom on my mind on 02/16), Solar meetings Thursday 5PM in D3105, Antibiotics meetings Friday 3PM in E3109, Thursday 02/23 at 6PM bees is going to have a mason bee house making day in the wood-shop, as well as the solar campaign’s lobby day at the capital on the 23rd.

Aaron from the S&A Board thanked Mac for tabling outside the CAB from 12 to 1.



Charles gave us a legislative update.

Mac talked about his tabling outside the CAB and the reaction students seemed to have when talked to about the GSU fee.

Mia let us know that the applications for lobby day on the 22nd are now available until the 17th of February and also let us know about her applying for the Power of One Conference budget through the S&A Board at 3:0.

Waylon updated us on the internship endowment.  

Rebecca told us about her meeting at the Natural Resources building last week.


Winter Ballot:

GSU Fee proposal:

Wording approved.


No other proposal.


Attorney General on campus:

Motion to allow Charles to invite the Attorney General on campus to speak at a big venue or go to programs.

Motion to amend that Charles can ask the Solicitor General if necessary and to have the AG also come talk to the GSU.



Main motion approved.



Motion to excuse absences when it comes to some events happening during the governance hours.



Adjourned at 2:59.

Agenda for 02/15 meeting.

1:15 – Start meeting

1:20 – Approve Agenda and Minutes

1:25 – Public Comments

1:35 – Check-ins

1:50 – Winter Ballot proposals

2:30 – Attorney General on campus?

3:00 – Adjourn meeting

Minutes from 02/08.

Representatives Present:  Devin Moncada, Aidan Ripley, Dylan Macardican, Asher Matthews, Rebecca Canright, Brandon Ellington, Francisco Daza, Jasmine Wong, Mia Harvey, John Gundayao, Alexander Butler, Jacques LeBlanc, Adam Bartell, Kun Yin Chung, Micah Nordgren, Mike Espy, Charles Adkins, Jenny Whitfield, Waylon Robert, Naia Danko, Robert Tacker.

Executive Director: Camille Closson.

Advisor: Tom Mercado


Meeting started at 1:18


Motion to approve Agenda



Motion to approve Minutes



Public Comments:

Tom reminded us that SLARS are due today.  Also needs more information on the Tacoma trip.



Charles gave us a legislative update.

Camille checked to see who could go to the Tacoma trip and the WSA meeting.

Brandon let us know he had updated our budget according to certain recent changes.

Mia let us know that our lobby day would be on 02/22 in between 12 and 5.


Winter Ballot:

GSU Fee proposal.

Motion to change the officers’ pay to match the other representatives’.



Motion to table discussion to after the other proposals.



Proposal to move the Archives to protect them from flooding.

Motion to put proposal on the ballot as worded in the proposal.



Proposal to advise the administration on the commitments they should make when it comes to documented and undocumented students.

Motion to approve the proposal



Proposal about having all-gendered bathrooms in every building on campus.

Motion to put it on Ballot pending wording next week.



Proposal to put a survey concerning the Wellness Center on the Ballot

Motion to approve wording with amended language and put the survey on the ballot.



Back to the GSU Fee.

Motion to put the $7.50 Fee on the Ballot with amended wording.



Motion to adjourn the meeting

Meetings ended at 2:56.

Agenda for 02/08 meeting.

1:15- Meeting starts

1:20- Approve Agenda and Minutes

1:25- Public Comments

1:30- Check-ins

1:40- Evergreen’s branding project

2:10- Winter Ballot

3:00- Meeting ends

Minutes from 02/01.

Representatives Present:  Jacques LeBlanc, Jenny Whitfield, Mia Harvey, Jasmine Wong, Francisco Daza, Brandon Ellington, Levi Campbell, Asher Matthews, Dylan Macardican, Aidan Ripley, John Gundayao, Devin Moncada, Kin Chun Yun, Waylon Robert, Mike Espy, Adam Bartell, Micah Nordgren, Rebecca Canright, Alexander Butler, (Robert Tacker and Naia Danko on the phone).

Executive Director: Camille Closson

Advisor: Tom Mercado


Meeting started at 1:17.


Motion to approve Agenda.



Motion to approve Minutes



Public Comments:

Kai-ave Douvia – WA’s Campus Free Expression Act HB 1362.  Free speech on campus campaign.  Maybe wanting Charles to lobby for it.



Camille talked about the WSA meeting on 01/28 and gave a legislative update to the team for Charles Adkins.

Waylon talked about his fundraising efforts for the internship fund.

Asher read a statement from Benjamin Huff, WSA Legislative Liaison, concerning possible tuition freezes, the bills that concern open education, State Need Grant, and decoupling S&A fees from students’ tuition.

Mia talked about organizing the lobby day, the registration form is pretty much ready, will bring lobbyists to campus.  Also updated us on the Power of One Conference.



$8/student/quarter.  Would not depend on the S&A Board anymore.  The idea was already voted on by the student body last year.  Need 50% of the student body to vote to institute a fee.  Mac will bring his proposal to the team to put the GSU Fee on the Winter ballot next week.



Erik Jung gave us an update about what WashPIRG has been doing at Evergreen.  Renewal of the fee this year.  8$/student/quarter.  

Motion to put the WashPIRG Fee on the ballot.



Winter Ballot

Motion to add Sanctuary Campus to the Ballot as an advisory vote



Motion to add a survey on the Wellness Center’s hours to the Ballot.



Power of One Conference

Motion to use $492 from our budget for transportation to the Conference (if budget is approved by S&A).



Motion to let Mia apply for a special initiative budget after Brandon reviews the proposals.



Motion to adjourn



Adjourned at 3:00.


Agenda for 02/01/17.

1:15- Meeting begins

1:20- Approve Agenda and Minutes

1:25- Public Comments

1:35- Check ins

1:45- GSU fee

2:00- WashPIRG

2:20- Winter Ballot

2:40- Power of One Conference

3:00- Meeting ends

Minutes from 01/25.

GSU minutes 01/25


Representatives present: Brandon Ellington, Asher Matthews, Dylan Macardican, Adam Bartell, Waylon Robert, Aidan Ripley, Jasmine Wong, Francisco Daza, Devin Moncada, John Gundayao, Mia Harvey, Charles Adkins, Micah Nordgren, Rebecca Canright, Kun Yin Chung, Mike Espy, Jonathan Leggette, Alexander Butler, Naia Danko, Robert Tacker.

Executive Director: Camille Closson.


Starts at 1:15


Motion to approve Agenda



Motion to approve Minutes



Public Comments

washPIRG kick off meeting at 5 today in Sem 2 A1105



Mia – Working on lobby day.  Wanted to raise money for the Students of Color Summit through WSA but decided to try and sponsor sending students to the power of one conference since campus groups are already committed to go to the students of color conference in Yakima in April.  Will present estimated cost to the team in the next couple of weeks.

Rebecca – Talked about her meeting with the port of Olympia concerning fracking sands exports.  Good dialogue and meeting.

Charles – Update on the legislature.  Working on Loan Forgiveness Bill with Rep. Doglio, International Banking Tax Exemption Repeal with Possibly Rep. Blake, State Mushroom (Pine Mushroom) With Rep. Dolan and Sen. Guy Palumbo, and Digital Products Apportionable Income Act with Sen. Guy Palumbo.

Camille – Speaker’s report for fall quarter now available.  WSA meeting: 9 GSU members going.  

Brandon – Budget update.


Motion to add tentative discussion about the power of one conference to the end of the Agenda



Asher – GSU Bylaws subcommittee.  Would like it to happen again.  Volunteers:  Brandon, Devin, Charles, Aidan, Camille, Mac, Asher.


GSU fee.

Motion to postpone it to next week



Sanctuary Campus

Wendy Endress explained to the GSU’s officers that the College’s President and his administration are committed to certain things but not to be labeled as a sanctuary campus in order to avoid problems for students in general.  George Bridges is committed to help.  The GSU will work with the student body, the faculty, staff, and administration concerning this issue.  If this campus becomes a sanctuary,  it is possible that it will “only” lose immigration funds, which will directly impact international students at Evergreen.  



Francisco Daza: Equity and Diversity + Day of Absence, Day of Presence

John Gundayao: Health and Safety

Rebecca Canright:  Sustainability Committee.


Lobby Day

15 students to the legislature.  Lieutenant Governor already committed to it.  Trying to get more State reps involved and committed to it.  ~15-22 of February.  Will give more details next week.


Tacoma Visit

Motion to have the Tacoma visit on 02/21, leaving at 3.



Power of One Conference.

Max of $6,000

Motion to sponsor 20 students to go to the Power of One Conference, cost of $6000



Motion to adjourn


Meeting ended at 2:57


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