judy’s news

Here is where I put news, probably mostly about students and graduates.

Evergreen grad Andrew Walsh to present paper (done while working in the SciDB lab) at Fall 2010 Conference – Northwest Consortium for Computing in Colleges.

Evergreen grad Emerson Murphy-Hill wins SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper Award … Evergreen Graduate (student of mine who also worked in the SciDB Lab) and former Portland State University CS PhD student Emerson Murphy-Hill, now an Assistant Prof. at North Carolina State University, then a post-doctoral researcher at the University of British Columbia (UBC) in Vancouver, has won a an ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished paper award for the paper A Degree-of-Knowledge Model to Capture Source Code Familiarity, authored with collaborators Thomas Fritz, Jingwen Ou and Gail C. Murphy, all from UBC. The paper will be presented at the International Conference on Software Engineering in Cape Town, South Africa, on May 7th. This is Emerson’s second SIGSOFT distinguished paper award. The first, How We Refactor, and How We Know It, was co-authored with his PSU advisor, Prof Andrew P. Black and Chris Parnin, a PhD student from Georgia Tech, and was presented at the International Conference on Software Engineering in 2009.

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