
As I read Proust I am reminded of a book i recently read called Hallucinations by Oliver Sacks, this book explores the legitimacy of hallucinations and line between experience and interaction. He argues experiencing hallucinations doesn’t necessarily mean a person is mentally unsound, it is when one interacts with their appertains that they are truly ill. Proust’s narrator seems to constantly walk this line between passive hallucinations and interactive hallucinations. The unreliable narration of this book leaves much to speculation but I believe the narrator has an anxiety disorder and a mild form of autism. He feels so separated from the world, emotionally unable to connect. He docent follow social courtesies and has trouble imagining scenario that haven’t actually happened, which is a common symptom of autism. Proust blurs the lines between delusion and reality to the point where I get lost in his inner wold and barely notice when the external information shows through, it is confusing and dense.