Join your fellow policy makers, staff and interested citizens for:

The Regional Plan for Sustainable Development Kick-Off Event

Monday January 31, 2011

6:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.

The Evergreen State College Longhouse

Did you know…… that Thurston County is one of the fastest growing regions in the state.   We’re expecting the population to grow by over 170,000 people by the year 2040.    That is equivalent to the current total population of ALL cities and their urban growth boundary areas within Thurston County!

Hear from Sightlines Roger Valdez who will share current thinking about what makes for a sustainable community and what it takes to change direction – personally and as a society.   Join in on this important interactive kick-off discussion.

About the Regional Plan for Sustainable Development

The Regional Plan for Sustainable Development project is made possible through a grant from the Federal Housing and Urban Development Partnership for Sustainability Communities.    The goal of this three year process will be to:

1)      Identify what we need to do to achieve the Thurston region’s definition of a sustainable community

2)      Understand why we need to take action

3)      Articulate and support actions that will get this region to the future described

For additional information visit If you have questions call 360-956-7575 or email