Be a Puget Sound Advocate with People For Puget Sound

Be part of an elite team of grass roots advocates for Puget Sound.  Puget Sound Advocates will be asked to participate in a one day Sound Educators Advocacy Training session (usually in March of the year).  Advocates commit to meeting for two hours once a week to reach out to other activists (by phone) in targeted legislative districts and ask them to take a needed action.  People For Puget Sound will provide weekly training on each particular legislative bill or issue.  This is a way to leverage and enhance the work of People For Puget Sound lobbyists and increase opportunities for Puget Sound protection.

  • Get experience with grass roots organizing
  • Learn specifics about issues effecting Puget Sound and get an inside look at the political complexities behind those issues
  • Know that  you are effecting change
  • Build your resume
  • Have fun

Contact Gabby at for more information.


  • Passion  and commitment for Puget Sound or the environment
  • An interest in advocacy and making a difference
  • Be a good speaker and a concise presenter of ideas or concepts
  • Enjoy interacting with people