Internship Position Description: WSDOT Habitat Connectivity research support

Start Date: September 12, 2011

End Date: June 21, 2012


Primary Project Deliverable: Excel spreadsheet populated with data summarizing wildlife occurrences from motion-triggered cameras and end-of-quarter report summarizing data from cameras including tables with species information and basic statistics like means and ranges.


Duties: The Washington Department of Transportation is looking for a Master in Environmental Studies student for an internship providing support to Kelly McAllister, the agency’s Habitat Connectivity Biologist. The primary work involves maintaining motion-triggered cameras at several culverts and bridges on the state highway system and entering data to Excel spreadsheets based on review of images taken by those cameras. Other work, such as maintaining the wildlife carcass removal database and augmenting the habitat connectivity web page, will be completed as time allows.


Position Objective: Continue the operation of six motion-triggered cameras currently deployed at three bridge and culvert locations. Add a minimum of four additional cameras at two or more new locations. Process a backlog of images by reviewing each image and entering animal occurrences, in a prescribed way, to an Excel spreadsheet. Similarly, add data newly collected from cameras being service on a bi-monthly basis.


The data entry aspect of this work involves reviewing images (thousands of them), identifying wildlife species and numbers of individuals and entering data that characterizes the events caught on camera.


Camera servicing is done to obtain new images through regular visits to camera locations and ensuring continued operation of the cameras by loading fresh batteries and media cards. Some of the work will involve installing cameras at new locations or swapping defective cameras for functional cameras.


Maintaining the Wildlife Carcass Removal Database involves transfer of data from a web interface, where maintenance staff upload data from their Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs), to a Filemaker Pro database. An intermediary quality control step requires review and correction of records that are caught by an error check routine.


Essential job knowledge, skills and abilities:

This internship is open to second-year students enrolled in the Master in Environmental Studies Program. Other requirements include:

  • Knowledge of Pacific Northwest wildlife species, their ecology, life history and habitat utilization
  • At least one college level course that includes introductory statistics
  • Ability to use a computer and meticulously process large volumes of information to produce data
  • Understanding of data analysis and basic statistics
  • Ability to communicate clearly through writing in English
  • Ability to walk over rough terrain carrying 50 lbs.
  • Washington State driver’s license


Hours: Work 25 hours per week, flexible within the 7:00 am to 5:00 pm period, Monday through Thursday.  Internship will be completed over Fall, Winter, and Spring quarters of the 2011-2012 Evergreen academic year.


Credits: Each quarter of the internship will be worth 4 internship credits.  MES is waiving the 8 credit maximum requirement for this position, so that a student can earn 12 credits for this internship over the academic year.


Legal Relations and Insurance: WSDOT and TESC, as state agencies, are both covered by the State’s self-insurance liability program as provided by RCW 4.92.130. It is agreed that no liability shall be attached to WSDOT or TESC by reason of entering into this AGREEMENT except as expressly provided herein.


Each student enrolled in this internship will be required to drive WSDOT vehicles. A valid driver’s license is therefore required. Each student will be required to provide proof of possession of a valid driver’s license before being allowed to drive on WSDOT business.


Compensation: $3,000 per quarter for a total of $9,000.


How to apply: Mail or email your resume by August 31, 2011. Include a summary of relevant education and experience and provide contact information for three references.


Send to:


Kelly McAllister

Washington Department of Transportation

310 Maple Park SE

Olympia WA 98504-7331