Please share this information and help get folks to the Puget Sound
recovery open houses. The one in Olympia is Tuesday, Oct 11 from 4:30-7
at LOTT. There is an opportunity to have an info table at the event –
see the last paragraph for how to sign up.

Dear ECO Net Members,

We are writing to invite you to attend, and if you like share
information at, six upcoming public open houses on Puget Sound Recovery
and the 2011 Update to the Puget Sound Action Agenda. Open houses will

Monday, September 26 in Friday Harbor at the Gubelman Theatre
Tuesday, September 27 in Sequim at the Guy Cole Convention Center at
Barrie Blake Park
Monday, October 3 in Mill Creek at the Department of Fish and Wildlife
Mill Creek Regional Office
Tuesday, October 4 in Poulsbo at the Poulsbo City Council Chamber in
City Hall
Monday October 10 in Mount Vernon at the Padilla Bay National Estuarine
Research Reserve
Tuesday, October 11 in Olympia at the LOTT Clean Water Alliance

The purpose of the open house is to share information about: our
measure of Puget Sound health, the Vital Signs; highlight Puget Sound
recovery priorities and accomplishments, especially local priorities and
accomplishments; and describe the upcoming update to the Puget Sound
recovery plan, the Action Agenda, and get public input. It also is an
opportunity to provide general educational information about Puget
Sound, recovery, and what individuals can do to help. Open houses will
run from 4:30 – 7:00, with extra time in the room available for set up
and pull down of materials.

We hope that you will attend and share your views. In addition, if you
would like to share information on your work, priorities, and/or
accomplishments at a table/poster presentation, we will have space
available and would welcome that! Please respond to Athena Bertolino at
Ross & Associates on (
x-msg://12/ )
<x-msg://119/ (
x-msg://119/ )>
<> or 206-792-4070 with
questions or to RSVP if you wish to participate.

Thank you!

Elizabeth McManus
Ross & Associates Environmental
Consulting, Ltd.
(360) 570-0899 direct
(206) 890-9286 cell