Planning Commission Meeting, Oct. 5, 6:30 pm, National Marine Fisher; Room 129, Building 2 of the Thurston County Courthouse

The Thurston County Planning Commission will hold its regular meeting on October 5, 2011 to review proposed changes to the Thurston County Critical Areas Ordinance (Chapter 17.15 of the existing Thurston County Code). The commission will review second draft materials distributed at its September 28, 2011 meeting, and receive new draft information from staff.

A guest speaker from the National Marine Fisheries Service will give a presentation to the Planning Commission. The presentation will discuss the National Marine Fisheries Service/Federal Emergency Management Agency Biological Opinion on certain species of salmon and Southern Resident killer whales in Puget Sound. The presentation will include background information, criteria, and what it means for local land use planning with regard to habitat for endangered salmon species and Southern Resident killer whales.

For more information on the biological opinion, please click here or contact the staff person listed in the right-hand column of this message.

This meeting will be a continuation of previous work sessions on proposed changes to the Critical Areas Ordinance. No final action is scheduled to occur on the proposed changes at the meeting. The proposed changes are part of the 2010-11 Comprehensive Plan Amendment Official Docket.

Click here to view the meeting agenda.

Click here for more information on the update to the County’s Critical Areas Ordinance.

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