WHAT:  November Olympia Green Drinks!

How are you viewing the many global issues we’re facing now? How are you working on them locally? There is a lot going on, and a lot to talk about. Come share your projects, thoughts, concerns, and inspirations while unwinding over dinner or a drink.

WHEN:   5:30 pm to 8:00 pm

 *** (Always the first Wednesday of every month)

WHERE:  Cascadia Grill (go to the back corner tables), Address: 200 W 4th Ave, Olympia WA 98501

 *** New Ownership, but still a great menu and drink selection! Phone & Menus: 360-628-8731, http://cascadiagrill.com/dinner.html and http://cascadiagrill.com/spirits.html


WHO:    ANYONE working on, studying, supporting and interested in environmental issues.

HOW:    Carpool, walk, cycle, bus, skate…or taxi if more than 2 passengers 😉

WHY:    For fun, networking, sharing a drink or meal, hearing & sharing news, inspiration, connecting with friends.

IF YOU ARE NEW: Just introduce yourself and join the conversation! You will be made welcome!