We would like to invite you to participate in an upcoming workshop on Student Health and Success – Meeting the Needs of the Whole Child. It will be held at the Puget Sound ESD on November 16, 2011 from 8am – 4pm.

The keynote will be Dave LaRose, the superintendent from South Kitsap School District. You will have the opportunity to learn from those who are making great strides to support student health and academic success, be invited to share your own successes and challenges, and have planning time to incorporate the learning back into your efforts at the school or district level. You can expect to join in the conversation with a dynamic mix of administrators, educators, and community partners.

Thank you for considering this invitation. Please feel free to contact me with any questions or for more information.

Be well,

Sarah Butzine
Program Supervisor
Coordinated School Health
Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction
Old Capitol Building
PO Box 47200
Olympia, WA 98504-7200