Washington Department of Natural Resources, North Bend, Washington
Closes: Sunday, December 11, 2011

Recruitment #: 2011-11-7148
TYPE OF POSITION: Project, Full-time through June 30, 2013.

Works under the guidance of State and Federal regulations, Agency policies and procedures, Region goals and priorities and applicable collective bargaining agreements. This position reports to the Snoqualmie Recreation Manager and works closely with the Region’s other Recreation Staff, Natural Area Managers and Law Enforcement Officer.

Responsibilities include (partial list):
· Issuance of warnings and citations for violations of recreation laws and regulations.
· Developing a strong education and enforcement volunteer program.
· Educating the general public, neighbors, and recreational users about recreational opportunities, appropriate recreational behavior, rules and regulations.

This level of knowledge and skill is typically achieved with a Bachelor’s degree involving major study in forestry, agriculture, aqua culture, recreation, geology, and forestry or a related natural science and one year of related professional experience.

For a complete description and application instructions, go to:
