When:     7:00 pm, Tuesday, January 10, 2012
Where:    Batdorf & Bronson Coffee House, 516 Capitol Way South, Olympia, Washington. Phone 360.786.6717

       Batdorf & Bronson has three locations in Olympia. Science Café meets at the downtown coffee house.

       On-street parking is available on Legion, Capitol Way, Columbia Street, and Water Street.
After 6 p.m., parking is available at Heritage Bank on Columbia Street between 5th and Legion.

Our topic for January is In the Company of Crows and Ravens.

What do Van Gogh, Shakespeare, the Hopi and Kayukon People, Mark Twain and the rock band, The Counting Crows, have in common? They all draw inspiration from some of our most common, but least understood birds, the crow and the raven. In his lecture, Professor Marzluff will investigate the inspiration of crows and ravens on people, and our affects on these adaptable birds. After introducing us to the variety of weird things crows do, like surf, play, take risks and adopt bad habits, Dr. Marzluff will explore these actions from a biological and especially neurobiological perspective that includes a discussion of new research on the crow’s brain. Crows do well in our urbanizing world, and therefore Dr. Marzluff develops the idea of cultural coevolution as a way to understand how social species like crows and humans may come to share a mutual destiny. The presentation will include the taxonomy, morphology, natural history, population ecology and behavioral ecology of crows and ravens, and human interactions with these birds as irritating and competitive pests, targets, creators, symbols, diviners and inspirations. Big, bold and boisterous, crows and ravens are hard to miss. Dr. Marzluff’s talk is intended to answer the many questions these birds conjure up in all who have watched them (and that is almost everyone).

Dr. John M. Marzluff is a scientist known for his work on the ecology and behavioral biology of jays, crows, ravens and their relatives. He is Professor of Wildlife Science (College of the Environment, University of Washington) and the author of four books, including In the Company of Crows and Ravens (coauthored with Tony Angell) and Dog Days, Raven Nights (coauthored with his wife, Colleen Marzluff).

There will be a book signing at the end of the discussion period. Orca Books will have a table set up where Professor Marzluff’s books can be purchased.

February 2012 Topic (tentative):

Infiltration of Treated Wastewater
Groundwater Recharge Scientific Study
by LOTT Clean Water Alliance