Harvesting Clean Energy: Bringing Agriculture and Clean Energy Production Together

Clark Gilman from Climate Solutions

The Harvesting Clean Energy program works from the position that the clean energy revolution has begun, that there are signs of progress all around us, and that publicly-funded incentive programs are both in our common interest and hugely helpful in allowing rural businesses and farms to adopt renewable energy generation and energy efficiency projects.

There are new financial models evolving to match a new distributed energy system.  These include community financing and ownership, utility feed in tariffs, builders or developers capitalizing renewables on new construction, and carbon offsets.

The evening will be structured as a participatory workshop.  Clark will share renewable energy initiatives from other communities across our region.  We will discuss why a community might want a renewable energy project, how other communities structured and funded their projects, and what organizations and companies were involved in those projects.

Climate Solutions: http://climatesolutions.org/ 
Transition Olympia – Climate Action: www.TransitionOlymia.org