Training Workshops for Environmental Educators; Thursday, June 7, 2012 at LOTT

Graphic Design Transformations

This is a class for “non-designers” who are tasked with creating graphic design and communications materials.  Attend this workshop and gain inspiration and practical information from an experienced design professional to help you create more effective brochures, newsletters and visual communications.

This interactive workshop begins with a presentation that provides an overview of fundamentals such as pre-design planning, basic typography and layout, and developing a coordinated approach to print and multi-media materials. “Before and After” samples illustrate basic design concepts that can instantly transform your work.  “Design for Success” tips will help you reach target audiences and improve the results of your efforts.

Workshop participants will receive helpful materials and resources to reduce errors and improve efficiency such as print specification sheets, proofing checklists and a list of sources for high-quality free and low-cost fonts, photography, and illustrations. After the presentation, participants will break into groups, to share drafts of current or future projects and brainstorm design improvements.

Workshop presenter, Barbara McConkey, is Owner of InForm Design of Olympia. With over 20 years of graphic design experience, she specializes in designing environmental education materials for government agencies and non-profits. Barbara’s work is recognized for excellence and has won several regional and national awards.

Going for the Gut/Knowing your Audience

Values-based messaging principles and tools. (Can include specific stormwater messaging research and talking points if appropriate)

Each group or individual applies one of the tools from Going for the Gut to a: Values sandwich. S.U.C.C.E.S. stories. Water Cooler Test. Talk About Yourself! What Would Ronald Reagan Say?

This workshop will help you target your audience in order to reach key outcomes for your education/outreach programs.  Targeting audiences—who are they, what makes them tick, how can you reach them, what are their barriers to engagement?   Anna will focus on audience selection and description, barriers and benefits identification.  She will be reinforcing Nancy Lee’s social marketing check list and consulting on your plans for projects.

Bring project that you’re working on, participants will have time to work on projects in class: either break into teams or individual work.   Before workshop Anna will send a short questionnaire to find out what questions, needs and issues you have.    This workshop is great for folks who did Nancy Lee’s social marketing workshops or not – get principles and practice with your project.

Questions will be sent to participants in advance.

Anna Fahey, Senior Communications Strategist, Sightline Institute