The Camp Director has the overall responsibility for the camp program and implementation of the Board’s philosophy and policies.  The Director has the authority to take action and carry out the responsibilities assigned within the framework of the policies, procedures, and budget approved by the Board of Directors.  This position reports directly to and serves at the pleasure of the NRYC Board of Directors.

Specific duties of the Camp Director include, but are not necessarily limited to the following:


  • Camp Equipment/Facilities

Picks up keys from facility staff and inspects cabins prior to camper arrival.   At the end of the week the Director oversees camp wrap-up (i.e. cabin clean-up, putting away Camp supplies, turning in keys and checking out with facility staff.)

  • Camper Orientation

The director is responsible for being available for questions from campers and their parents/guardians upon arrival to camp.  The director is also responsible for reviewing camp rules & the layout of the camp with campers.

  • Distribution of medications

The director is responsible for distributing medication to campers (prescription & over the counter meds) as prescribed to affected campers.  This is typically done at meal times, unless there are specific prescription instructions to do so at some other time of the day.

  • Staff  Indoctrination (outlining roles and responsibilities)

The director is responsible for briefing the counselors on their responsibilities, camper discipline procedures and assigning tasks to them during the Saturday staff meeting.  The director is also responsible for ensuring that they are fulfilling their duties.  The director will coordinate with the Program & Recreation Coordinator to ensure that all program elements are planned, staffed, etc.  The incumbent of this position should also meet with the CIT Coordinator to assess progress of CIT campers.

  • Camp Evaluation and Critique

The Director should observe the various camp programs/activities throughout the week by dropping in during the scheduled activities.  This will help with the evaluation and assessment of camp elements. The Director is responsible for preparing a written evaluation of camp to the Board of Directors within three (3) weeks following camp.

Ø      Award Selection and Camper Recognition
The director coordinates with staff and on-site instructors to obtain nominations for camper awards.  The director is responsible for either or delegating the presentation of awards during the evening campfire and closing ceremonies.

  • Liaison with Counselors

The Camp Director assists recruits and selects the counselors.  The Camp Director acts as a liaison for the counselors when questions or issues arise as well as ensuring that counselors fulfill the responsibilities of their role.  The Director has the authority to terminate any counselor at any time.

  • Promotes Public Relations

The incumbent of this position practices/promotes good public relations by making parents, campers, and staff  feel comfortable and secure at camp.  The Director helps promote the camp, and the board’s philosophy and policies before, during and after camp.

  • Attends camp planning meetings

The Director is required to attend at least the two board meetings prior to camp to help plan the camp program.  He/she must also meet with the Program/Recreation Coordinator to facilitate planning.   This position is responsible for providing input on the camp schedule and activities.  The Director oversees staff meetings during the course of the Camp week.  The director is also responsible for attending staff meetings called by other staff, when presence is requested.





  • Attends the monthly board meeting or meets with board chair to discuss program planning.

July (Prior to Camp)

  • Finalize camp details with board chair and Program/Rec Coordinator.


At Camp

Day-to-day responsibility includes:

  • Coordinating day-to-day activities with staff including Program Coordinator, nurse, counselors, and any other staff and/or board members.
  • Coordinating the flag ceremony in morning and evening and makes announcements.
  • Coordinating with facility staff (Cispus) including Ropes Course Instructors.
  • Distributing medications to campers, as prescribed.
  • Handling issues among campers and counselors.
  • Responsibility of notifying parents in the event of an injury or illness.
  • Responsibility for notifying parents in the event of disciplinary action where a camper will be dismissed from camp.
  • Participation in the nightly campfires.
  • Visiting camp activity sessions to help assess camp program and selection of award recipients, etc.
  • Coordinating on-duty responsibility with Program Coordinator and counselors to ensure round-the-clock coverage and supervision.
  • Ensuring that campers are on time to activities.
  • Being aware of campers’ health, sleep, diet, friends and attitudes.
  • Coordinating with kitchen staff.
  • Leading a minimum of one Learning By Doing (LBD) session.
  • Being Is creative and energetic
  • Performing other duties as directed by the Board


Other responsibilities by day:


  • Reports to Camp by 11 am
  • Checks in with facility staff to get keys and follow up on any last minute details prior to inception of camp.
  • Acquaints self with staff members and lead staff orientation/meeting.
  • Works with Program/Recreation Coordinator to lead ice-breaker activities
  • Inspects cabins for safety and cleanliness prior to occupying.
  • Assists with final details prior to campers’ arrival
  • Available for questions/discussion with parents, campers, and staff.
  • Assist with supervision of campers
  • Coordinates camper orientation sessions.
  • Conducts staff meeting during LBDs
  • Welcomes incoming staff when they arrive.
  • Participates at Campfire program
  • Supports Ropes Course instructors
  • Welcomes incoming staff as they arrive
  • Leads staff meeting during LBDs
  • Coordinates/checks in with staff throughout the day
  • Coordinates announcements at Flag ceremony
  • Conducts drop in visits of natural resource sites
  • Coordinates/checks in with staff throughout the day
  • Leads staff meeting during LBDs
  • Welcomes incoming staff when they arrive
  • Coordinates announcements at Flag ceremony
  • Conducts drop in visits of natural resource sites
    • Coordinates/checks in with staff throughout the day
    • Leads staff meeting during LBDs
    • Welcomes incoming staff as they arrive.
  • Coordinates announcements at Flag ceremony
  • Oversees program activities throughout the day
  • Welcomes incoming staff as they arrive
  • Participates in CIT evaluations with CIT Coordinator and Board Chair
  • Coordinates announcements at flag ceremony
  • Participates in Explorations
  • Coordinates camp clean up
  • MC’s the closing ceremony with help of others on staff
  • Checks out with facility staff, returns keys, etc.
  • Remains at facility until all campers and counselors have departed the facility and checked out.


Following Camp

  • Prepares and submit a written camp summary report (including recommendations for following year) to the Board of Directors (within 3 weeks of camp)
  • Attends the board meeting to discuss report and recommendations  and participate in camp wrap-up.  (Meeting is held the 2nd Thursday of the month following camp, 2-4 pm)




Salary:  $750.00 (paid at the close of camp)

Mileage & program supplies are allowed reimbursable expenses.