Deadline: May 31JOB DESCRIPTION: The Center for Community-Based Learning and Action connects students as volunteers with community-based organizations for community benefit and to apply their learning in practical ways. As an AmeriCorps member, you will be collaborating with another AmeriCorps member both part of the retention project. As an AmeriCorps member you will coordinate the Transitional Support Program (TSP) of Gateways for Incarcerated Youth.  The Transitional Support Program recruits Evergreen Students to facilitate the successful transition of youth from our programs through the means of pro-social development and college readiness mentoring.  The Transitional Support Program Coordinator recruits, orients, trains and supports Evergreen students as mentors to work one-on-one and in groups with JRA youth transitioning out of the Green Hill setting.  They also recruit, orient and support the incarcerated youth to increase academic retention rates.



  1. Conduct on-campus outreach (academic programs, student organizations, class room presentations, tabling, etc.) to students to increase involvement as academic mentors in the Transitional Support Program and AMP.
  2. Develop flyers, announcements, press releases, and other media to publicize these volunteer opportunities.
  3. Coordinate with the Center for Community-Based Learning and Action VISTA and YIS AmeriCorps to identify opportunities for volunteers not appropriate for Gateways.
  4. Recruit transitional support and AMP mentors based on compatibility of content (academic knowledge and ability to collaborate) and experience with youth (mentoring and tutoring skills).
  5. Conduct orientations for interested mentors about working with Gateways and in juvenile institution settings.
  6. Conduct trainings for mentors in Gateways to strengthen skills sets and create bonds in the organization (college access training, how to be a mentor training, communication training, etc.).
  7. Support accepted mentors into Gateways with periodic check-ins.
  8. Coordinate youth transition in other Gateways Programs (College Class, AMP).
  9. Track data required by AmeriCorps and Gateways (initial applications, check in sheets, sign in sheets, etc.).
  10. Outreach, recruitment, orientation at Transitional Support Locations (Group Homes, etc.).
  11. Conduct pro-social, college access activities for participants (campus visits, academic field trips, etc.).
  12. If time allows, organize and conduct fundraising efforts for Gateways (grant writing, events, etc.)
  13. Build bridges with Juvenile Institutional offices/programs, non-profits and community organizations.
  14. Attend required Retention AmeriCorps trainings and meetings.


  1. BA/BS preferred.
  2. Ability to work well with people of diverse backgrounds.
  3. Good organization, problem-solving and written and oral communication skills.
  4. Basic office computer skills, including word processing required. Experience with spreadsheets/databases and desktop publishing preferred.
  5. Enthusiasm and self-direction.


  1. Living Stipend of $12,000 (distributed over 11 months)
  2. Loan Forbearance and Interest Accrual Reimbursement on qualifying loans
  3. Medical Insurance
  4. Education Award of $5,350 upon successful completion of the program
  5. Childcare assistance for qualifying members
  6. Excellent experience in the service-learning field

To Apply Send Resume and Cover Letter BY MAY 31st, 2012 5pm to: Ellen Shortt Sanchez