The Department of Fish and Wildlife is recruiting to fill 1 full time non-permanent
Fish and Wildlife Biologist – 1 position located in the Wildlife Program, Non-Game Division.  The duty station for the positions will be Winthrop WA, with most work in the field conducting wildlife surveys, capturing and translocation animals, preparing wildlife release sites, and collecting monitoring data. The duration of this position is anticipated to be from Sept 10, 2012 through November 30, 2012.

This position primarily serves as a field biologist on the North Cascades Grizzly Bear Hair-Snag Project and the Methow Watershed Beaver/Wetland Restoration Project. Primary duties include but are not limited to:
·         Deploy, check, and remove bear hair-snag survey sites in remote back country locations. Identifying and documenting rare carnivore sign.
·         Collecting and managing survey data and prepare a report of results for distribution to project partners.
·         Capturing wild beavers from undesirable locations and caring for them in a temporary holding facility. Interacting with landowners at beaver capture sites and coordinating with local biologists and enforcement staff. Identifying, evaluating, and preparing beaver release sites.  Transporting beavers to these sites, and monitoring beaver activity at these sites.
·         Deploying stream parameter monitoring equipment, collecting stream data, and Downloading and organizing data in computer spread sheets.
·         Maintain agency vehicles, and other field equipment.
·         Work closely with professional biologists from other agencies in a challenging field environment.