Thurston Conservation District provides conservation-grade plants at affordable prices to the public.  See Below

Thurston Conservation District’s Annual Native Plant Sale

Thurston Conservation District provides conservation-grade plants at affordable prices to the public.  Most plants are bare root (as opposed to being potted in dirt).  Species will be available in bundles of 10, ranging from $10 – $20 per bundle, depending on the species.  Plant species to be offered include:

Evergreen Trees:  Alaska Yellow Cedar; Douglas Fir; Grand Fir; Incense Cedar; Noble Fir; Port Orford Cedar; Western Red Cedar

Deciduous Trees:  Bigleaf Maple; Oregon Ash; Pacific Dogwood; Paper Birch; Quaking Aspen

Shrubs:  Cascara; Indian Plum; Low Oregongrape; Mock Orange; Peafruit Rose; Red-Flowering Currant; Red-Osier Dogwood; Serviceberry; Sweet Gale; Vine Maple.

You need to order your plants at, and orders will be taken through November 20th   Be sure to get your order in now, as we will not have a parking lot sale event this year.