Wednesday Feb. 6th 7-9pm at University of Puget Sound

Please join us for a viewing of the documentary along with the expedition members followed by a discussion and information session about marine debris, local research on marine plastic debris and ways to become involved.

See Below

In 2012, the Ikkatsu expedition traveled the rugged Olympic shoreline of Washington by sea kayak, surveying remote beaches for marine debris.  The documentary film “Ikkatsu: The Roadless Coast” recounts the expedition and addresses issues related to marine debris.

Please join us for a viewing of the documentary along with the expedition members followed by a discussion and information session about marine debris, local research on marine plastic debris and ways to become involved.

Documentary film and workshop on marine plastic debris
Ikkatsu: The Roadless Coast
Weds. 6 February
Rasmussen Rotunda
Student Union Building
University of Puget Sound