When:     7:00 pm, Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Where:    Orca Books      509 East 4th Avenue, Olympia      Phone 360.352.0123

Our February topic is Changing fire regimes in a warmer climate: What can we expect and what can we do about it?

See Below

Twentieth century fire suppression policies have led to fuel accumulations and greater risk of high severity fire in many dry forest types of western North America, forest types that were historically characterized by relatively high frequency and low to moderate severity fire regimes.  Fire area burned has increased in the western U.S. over the past few decades, and this trend is expected to continue with climate change, as the frequency, severity, and extent of wildfire are strongly related to climate.  Climate change will alter the effectiveness of fire and fuel management, and therefore necessitates that we adapt how we manage fire and fuels.  There are well established scientific principles of fuels management upon which we can rely to inform future strategies.  This talk will explore how these strategies can be applied and how adapting to changing fire regimes can help reduce potentially undesirable effects on human and natural systems.

Our speaker this month is Jessica Halofsky, Research Ecologist at the University of Washington, Pacific Wildland Fire Sciences Lab, School of Environmental and Forest Sciences.

March 2014 Speaker:

To Be Announced