Solar Electricity for the Developing World

March 21-29, 2015

$1,285, includes program, all meals, dorm lodging, and in-country transportation


Learn how to design and install small solar-electric systems to provide lights and cell-phone charging for poor rural people — by doing it! Classroom sessions and labs support real-world installations in the field.



Rancho Mastatal <> provides us with food, lodging, and support — but also a great example of a variety of sustainability endeavors, including natural building, agriculture, energy technologies, and community involvement. It’s located adjacent to La Cangreja National Park, and the warm tropical environment  — with swimming holes and waterfalls — is a welcome break from the northern winter.


A few good reasons to register:

* You want to learn the basics of solar-electric systems, and see examples of other renewable energy and sustainability projects

* You want to learn about rural development by helping others

* You want to experience a remarkable sustainability oriented facility and town

* You want to have a safe tropical travel experience where the details are taken care of for you

* You want to spend time with like-minded people having a great time, and doing good work

* You want to get warm and sweaty and enjoy tropical forests and waterfalls, flora and fauna








Solar Motivations

My editorial in the latest issue of Home Power magazine can be found at


Two recent clients of mine are next door neighbors in the same family, and valued the environmental and energy security aspects of installing PV systems, in addition to the compelling economic picture — their systems will go cash positive in less than six years.




Renewable Energy & Energy Efficiency Consulting

I act as an independent consultant, drawing on my years of using renewable energy (30+ years off-grid with solar- and wind-electricity, solar hot water, wood heat, etc.), writing and editing, coordinating and teaching workshops, as well as study and consultation with my extensive contacts in our industry. My goal is to help you approach energy efficiency and using renewable energy in a sensible, pragmatic way that achieves your goals. I know that I can save you thousands of dollars by sharing what I’ve learned over the past three decades and applying it to your situation. I work with local clients in person, and by phone and e-mail with remote clients. Locally, I represent several installation companies. Contact me via e-mail for more information.



Guemes North Homestead Internships


I have a few opportunities for internships in renewable energy and sustainable/homestead living at my place in the San Juan Islands in Washington, for the right people — people who are self-supporting and dedicated to work and learning. If this is of interest, drop me a line and I can send you more information.




For those of you in NW Washington state:

My son and his fiancee are Insight Tree Care —

They do thoughtful and careful tree work, focusing on the health of the trees and the needs of the owners — including solar access work. I recommend them as a father, but also as someone who has done tree work off and on for about 30 years, and knows the difference between a pro and a hack. I know your trees will be in good hands with Ryan and Erica, and encourage you to contact them if you’re looking for arboreal professionals.



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Ian Woofenden, Renewable Energy Author, Educator, Speaker, & Consultant
Author, Wind Power for Dummies; Co-Author, Power from the Wind
Senior Editor, Home Power magazine <>