POSITIONS: Biological Science Technicians (Plants), GS-0404-03/05/07
Forestry Technician (Research), GS-0462-05
SALARY: $12.19 to $18.96 per hour
TYPE OF APPOINTMENT: Temporary 180 day appointment
STARTING DATES: May 4 to June 15, 2015, depending on position and availability
LENGTH OF POSITION: Not to exceed 09/30/15 TOUR OF DUTY: Full Time.
HOUSING: No housing provided.
LOCATION: PNW Research Station, U.S. Forest Service, Wenatchee, WA

DUTIES: Biological Science Technicians and Forestry Technicians will collect field data for research projects related to the effectiveness and ecological impacts of post-fire forest management treatments in the interior Pacific Northwest. Specifically, we are investigating post-fire vegetation and coarse woody debris dynamics, the short-term effectiveness of post-fire seeding treatments for increasing soil cover and limiting the spread of exotic plant species, and the long-term effects of post-fire erosion control treatments on plant succession and biodiversity. Field data collection duties will include identifying plants to species, estimating plant cover, measuring tree diameters, assessing surface fuels and coarse woody debris, collecting and processing increment cores from fire-killed trees, accurately recording data, driving on narrow and rough roads, and entering field data into a database or spreadsheet.
Field work will take place in north-central Washington State, near Wenatchee, Washington. Technicians typically work in teams of 3-4 in the field. Field work involves strenuous exercise, exposure to extreme temperature and weather conditions, and may require several extended trips (up to 4 days) to collect data from remote locations. Candidates will be chosen based on their experience and education. Preferred candidates for positions at higher grades will have demonstrated proficiency in field plant identification and/or GIS analysis.

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: The work involves long hours spent standing, bending, and walking, often over rough terrain requiring physical exertion. The incumbent may be required to lift containers weighing up to 35 pounds while performing the assignment. The typical field work schedule consists of four 10-hour days per week.

HOW TO APPLY: Applicants must apply through USAJOBS (www.usajobs.gov) under the following job announcement numbers.
Biological Technician – Plants, GS-3 (15-TEMP-RD-BIOAID-S3-DT-PM)
Biological Technician – Plants, GS-5 (15-TEMP-RD-PLANTS-S5-DT-PM)
Biological Technician – Plants, GS-7 (15-TEMP-RD-PLANTS-S7-DT-PM)
Forestry Technician – Research, GS-5 (15-TEMP-RD-RES-S5-DT-PM)

QUESTIONS: Questions may be directed to Dave Peterson (davepeterson@fs.fed.us, 509-664-1727)
The deadline for receipt of complete applications is February 23, 2015.

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