Harvest Pierce County to Host 6th Annual Spring Summit

Celebrate our local food system and learn local gardening techniques

Micaela Cooley


(253) 278-6215

March 30, 2015


Tacoma, WA- If spring has you eager to start gardening, mark your calendar for Saturday May 2nd and join Harvest Pierce County for our 6th Annual Spring Summit hosted at Lincoln High School from 10am-2pm. We invite you to celebrate our local food system, learn about sustainable living, and hopefully make new friends in the process.  Heather Flores, author of “Food Not Lawns,” will be this year’s keynote speaker and looks to inspire Pierce County to turn itself into a “paradise garden”.


“This free, family-friendly event is so important to building the skills and resources for a community interested in harnessing the abundance it has available to them,” says Ryan Mello, Executive Director of the Pierce Conservation District. “Come celebrate the abundance of Pierce County on May 2nd for this day of skill-building and community.” Presenting sponsors, MultiCare and Coordinated Care, make this possible and free for the public.


Classes will include Urban Foraging, Fermenting, Container Gardening, Sharing Economy, and much more. The Lincoln High School Plant Sale will take place with purchases supporting student efforts and providing you with vegetable starts of your own.  The event is free to all and includes a delicious lunch. Please visit www.harvestpiercecounty.org to reserve your spot.


Youth between the ages of 6-16, or folks who are connected with youth programming which values healthy eating or gardening, are encouraged to join the youth track happening alongside the Summit. Hosted by Sustainable Roots, a program of Northwest Leadership Foundation, the youth track focusses on empowering youth to engage with their food system and celebrate healthy eating. This is an excellent opportunity to engage children in the rich world of growing food and a great way to connect with other programs in the county which connect youth to the food system.


Harvest Pierce County is a program of the Pierce Conservation District that supports 70-local community gardens and the gleaning program, which combined, help donate over 100,000 pounds of fresh, locally grown food to Pierce County food banks and school districts annually.


6th Annual Spring Summit

Saturday, May 2nd


Lincoln High School

701 S 37th St, Tacoma 98418
