This recruitment is for a fulltime permanent Fish Biologist 3 in the Fish Program, Hatchery Evaluation and Assessment Team.  The duties station for this position is the Natural Resource Building in Olympia, WA.

This position assists in the implementation of hatchery reform state wide as dictated by Commission policy C-3619 and 2151 Century Salmon and Steelhead planning documents.  The incumbent prepares assessments, collects and interprets hatchery production data, often involving intra-program and external coordination with Tribal, Federal and other entities. Primarily responsible for planning, developing, and designing professional resource assessments (Puget Sound, Columbia River and Washington coast) and providing  the analysis, assessment, and interpretation  of the results and final reports, such as Hatchery Genetic Management Plans (HGMP’s), Hatchery Action Implementation Plans (HAIPs), and hatchery performance reports. Position will assist both headquarters HEAT staff and Regional hatchery and fish management staff with implementation and monitoring of the Agencies hatchery reform initiatives.

Sound Stewardship of Fish and Wildlife”. This position directly relates to the goals and objectives as follows: Goal 1) “Conserve and protect native fish and wildlife”; Objective 3} Ensure WDFW actives, programs, facilities and lands are consistent with local, state and federal regulations, (e.g. Endangered  Species Act) that protect and recover fish, wildlife and their habitats. Goal 2) Provide sustainable fishing, hunting and other wildlife-related recreational experiences. Objective 6) Provide sustainable fish and wildlife-related recreational and commercial opportunities  compatible with maintaining healthy fish and wildlife populations and habitats.

The purpose statement for WDFW’s Salmon and Steelhead Framework (21st CSS) is “WDFW shall manage salmon and steelhead to recovery and sustainability in a way that is science-based, well-documented, transparent, well- communicated and accountable.”

On every day basis the incumbent engages in collection, interpretation, assessment and analysis of hatchery production related data in cooperation with hatchery management and personnel as well as regional managers, district biologists, hatchery data management team and science division when necessary.

The incumbent uses internal and external data resources  and apply knowledge of salmon life histories, biological recruitment and hatchery operations to prepare Hatchery Genetic and Management Plans for assessment of artificial propagation programs compliance with federal Endangered Species Act (ESA).

The incumbent actively participates in Hatchery Action Implementations Plans (HAIPS) meetings with co-managers and other meetings as required to manage artificial propagation programs.
The incumbent  actively engages in implementation of Hatchery Scientific Review Group standards and organizes and contributes in meetings to introduce HSRG hatchery reform concepts and assist in the hatchery events to implement them on the ground.


Assist with broodstock management at WDFW hatchery facilities (hatchery reform), detailing information in reports and assists in implementation of HSRG recommendations.
Tasks include:
Broodstock collection, spawning fish, tagging fish, collecting biological data, use of excel based models (AHA) to analyze hatchery-wild interactions, writing reports.

Assist in updating hatchery performance tables for statewide salmon and steelhead programs, based on coded wire tag data, hatchery releases, catch record cards, tribal harvest and hatchery escapement reports.
Tasks include:
Calculating smolt to adult survival, catch distribution, straying of hatchery fish, PHOS/PNOB, database management, regularly involving intra-program (Harvest Management and CWT Staff).

Other duties as assigned
Tasks include:
Support the coded wire tag unit as needed, assisting science division staff with steelhead survival and hatchery interactions projects, providing updates of hatchery performance for the Salmon Conservation Reporting Engine (SCoRE).

Working Conditions
Standard business hours are Monday – Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., but the incumbent must be willing to work non-scheduled work week. A flexible work schedule will be considered at the incumbent’s request, subject to supervisory approval. Work is conducted primarily in an office and at meetings, but some fieldwork (15%) is required to collect scientific data.  Frequent contact with partners (state, federal and NGO).

This position is covered by a collective bargaining agreement between the State of Washington, Department of Fish & Wildlife, and the Washington Association of Fish and Wildlife Professionals (WAFWP).  As a condition of employment you must either join the union and pay union dues, or pay the union a representational or other fee within 30 days of the date you are put into pay status.